Protect vital back-up power generators with periodic fuel quality testing.
Generator fuel testing by Intertek evaluates stored fuels to help ensure they are ready for use. Ensuring standby power generators are ready to work when needed is vitally important for continued operations, safety and reliability.
Intertek standby generator fuel testing is available for diesel, fuel oil, boiler fuel, biofuel, blended fuel, natural gas, and many other fuel types. Stored fuel sampling and testing is suggested annually to help ensure proper back-up generator readiness and maintenance.
Standby generator fuel quality and stability testing includes:
- Visual: A visual inspection will immediately notify of any potential threats to your operability
- Moisture: Moisture can come from many different sources such as condensation, fuel delivery, leaks, etc. Moisture will keep your generators from running.
- Bacteria: Bacteria cannot live in diesel fuel, but it can in water and thrives off of Biodiesel. Today's diesel can include up to 5% Biodiesel. Bacteria can wreck havoc on your fuel system and detecting it is imperative to proper fuel treatment
- Oxidation Stability: Diesel has a relatively short shelf life and with the presence of Biodiesel the shelf life is shortened. Measuring the fuels stability is necessary in the proper treatment to extend the life of the fuel.
- Particulates: Particulates can clog fuel filters causing your generator to become inoperable.
Intertek offers several different fuel testing packages that include analysis and sampling kits. Sampling kits are shipped to your site with easy instructions on drawing a sample and shipping instructions are included to send the samples to our network of laboratories in the USA.
Ensure you have a reliable back-up power generator system in place and ready for use.