Plastics and polymers volatile organic compounds (VOC) testing for emissions, aromatic compounds and hydrocarbons using technology such as GC-MS
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are compounds that are emitted from specific solids or liquids at room temperature or higher, their ‘volatile’ nature attributed to the fact that they have a high vapour pressure, resulting in many molecules being released into the air. They are analysed by the deployment of static headspace-gas chromatography and/or thermal desorption.
VOCs - including Semi-Volatile and Very-Volatile permeations are extremely varied and may come from natural or synthetic sources, and in some cases may have long term effects which may render them difficult to analyse in the short term.
VOC polymer and plastics testing include many volatile compounds, including testing for NIAS, testing on phthalates levels, and odour issues. In certain industries, we test to the manufacturer’s own standards, as well as to industry standards providing testing wherein specific gaseous VOC constituents emitted from test samples are captured and identified. Test methods include VDA278, GMW15634, VCS 1027, 2749, D1475, D2369, D2908, E203 etc.
The customer is subsequently provided a summary of the VOC analyses so that an engineering judgment can be made as to the usability of the material.
Our laboratories handle projects requiring multiple skill sets and combinations of analytical capabilities, acquired from many years’ experience, using GC-MS (such as the Agilent 7200 Q-TOF); MS-MS, and LC, depending on analysis sought. Our experts take into consideration the elements of the VOC, the emission and crucially, the ‘real-world’ conditions under which evaporation of emission occurs.
Our polymers VOC analysis includes VOC Evaporative Emission Testing, VOC testing for automotive industry, Identification of VOCs, Identification and quantification of residual solvents in packaging materials for food contact or pharmaceutical applications, odour analysis, identification and quantification of VOCs for medical devices and implants and identification of 'off-gas' products from pyrolysis of polymers.
Volatile organic compound analysis also includes
• Non-volatile Content
• Aqueous Mixtures
• Non-aqueous Mixtures
• Content of Volatile Organic Compounds
• Solids Content
• Specific Gravity
• Trace Analysis
Our VOC experts are on hand to deliver comprehensive and meaningful results pertaining to your specific needs from our analytical laboratories located around the globe.
VOC Testing Services:
Intertek Blogs:
- VOC Regulations in Canada are Changing (March 13, 2013)
- The Differences Between VOC Content and Emissions (October 25, 2012)

Polymers and Plastics