Color Analysis – Hunter (ASTM E1347 & ASTM D2244)
Hunter Lab and XYZ are standard three dimensional color spaces that allows a precise definition of the color of a test sample. Color analysis can be used to match adjacent parts molded from different materials, or to evaluate color change due to outdoor exposure. Visual color and spectrophotometer readings can also be affected by surface texture, molding parameters, processing method, and viewing light sources.
Test Procedure:
The X-Rite i7 Colorimeter is highly automated. After specifying the illuminant, observer angle, and the reference color, the test sample is inserted into the specimen holder and the spectrophotometer takes the reading.
Our default measuring parameters are CIE94 D65 10° (10° Observer, 6500° K, daylight = D65 light), measured in reflection mode with specular included with L*a*b* values provided unless otherwise specified.
Our default measuring parameters for Hunter Color are D65 2° (2° Observer, 6500° K, daylight = D65 light), measured in reflection mode with specular included with Lab values provided unless otherwise specified.
Specimen size:
Typically a 50 mm (2") or 100 mm (4") disk
Hunter Lab
*Please note that this test description is intentionally generic in nature and aimed at providing a descriptive summary to enhance test understanding. Due to copyright restrictions, we are not able to provide copies of standards. Standards can be obtained from appropriate standards authorities.