We combine extensive experience with a wide and versatile array of chromatography techniques for the analysis of polymers and plastics
Chromatography analysis supports clients with quality testing, troubleshooting, method development and more.
Analysis is performed over a wide concentration range, from low (sub) ppb to % levels.
Gas chromatography techniques for polymers include:
- Gas Chromatography
- GC-FID (Gas Chromatography - Flame Ionisation Detector)
- GC-ECD (Gas Chromatography - Electron Captured Detector)
- GC-TCD (Gas Chromatography - Thermal Conductivity Detector)
- HS GC-FID (Head Space Gas Chromatography - Flame Ionisation Detector)
- GC-MS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry)
- PT GC-MS (Purge and Trap Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry Detection)
- TD GC-MS (Thermal Desorption Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry detection)
- PTV GC-MS (Programmable Temperature Vaporizing injector Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry Detection)
- HS GC-MS (Head Space Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry Detection)
Liquid chromatography polymer analysis include:
- Liquid Chromatography
- RP HPLC (Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography)
- SP HPLC (Straight Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography)
- SEC (Size Exclusion Chromatography)
- IC (Ion Chromatography, Anion / Cation Chromatography)
- Detection methods: UV (Ultra violet), Conductivity, Diode Array, MS/MS (Mass Spectrometry), Scanning Fluorescence, Differential Refractive Index.
Molecular Weight (high temperature gel permeation chromatography) include: