Bisphenol A analysis in food packaging materials according to food contact regulations in Europe such as (EU) 10/2011
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical compound used in the manufacture of certain food contact materials such as plastics (polycarbonates) and coatings (epoxy resins). These coatings are extensively used within metal food and beverage cans to ensure the preservation of the packaged food. BPA may also be present in printing inks, adhesives and can be present in recycled paper and board.
BPA is authorised by regulation (EU) 10/2011 for plastic food contact materials and subject to a specific migration limit (SML) of 0.6mg/kg.
BPA is not allowed to be used for the manufacture of polycarbonate infant feeding bottles as regulated by (EU) 321/2011. Currently BPA is not regulated for coatings and varnishes at EU level neither for any food contact material other than plastics. In the first quarter of 2016 a draft regulation that intends to lower the specific migration (SML) for BPA for plastic food contact materials to 0.05 mg/kg in line with the EFSA opinion published in January 2015, has been notified to the World Trade Organization. In addition it applies the same SML for BPA from a varnish or coating applied to food contact materials and articles. The draft regulation is planned to be adopted and published in the Official Journal of the European Union in September 2016 and the entry into force of the regulation in 2017.
As the safe use of Bisphenol A is currently under heavy scrutiny, and with such industry shifts occurring, Intertek regulatory experts work closely together with all stakeholders in this area to stay updated on all upcoming changes.
Our scientists are continuously refining our analytical methodologies in order to be able to determine BPA at a level to demonstrate compliance with the current but also with the upcoming migration limit. Our scientists provide testing programs including the specific migration testing and the measurement of the residual content of BPA in all kind of food contact materials to ensure our client’s materials and articles meet the latest regulatory requirements.
We are able to provide complete advisory support from concept to production, across the supply chain and lifecycle of the food contact article.
With a network of laboratories located in Europe, North America and Asia our experts are equipped with a comprehensive range of analytical techniques for compliance testing, delivering clear and concise results. With Intertek's resources on hand you can trust that we will help you to meet your specific needs for food contact safety requirements.
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