Petroleum and Petrochemical Testing, M.
Intertek provides ASTM, ISO, IP and other test methods for the analysis of petroleum, petroleum refined products, and petrochemical feedstocks and products.
Test Description | Test Method |
Manganese Content (g/gal) | ASTM D3831 |
Melting Point | ASTM D127, D87 |
Mercaptans Testing | |
Mercaptan Sulfur | ASTM D3227, UOP 163 |
Mercaptan Sulfur & Hydrogen Sulfide | IP 103, IP 104 |
Mercaptan Sulfur in Light and Middle Distillates (Potentiometric Method) | IP 342 |
Mercaptan Sulphur and Hydrogen Sulphide in LPG | IP 272 |
Mercaptan Odorizer Testing in LPG | ASTM D5305 |
Mercury, Mercury Species Detection | UOP 938 |
Mercury in Sodium Hydroxide - Dithizone Photometric Method | ISO 5992 |
Metals Analysis, Trace Metals | |
Metals in Petroleum, Refined Products, Trace Levels | |
Metals - Al/Si (Ashing & Fusion)AAS/AES | ASTM D5184, IP 377 |
Metals - Al/Si/V/Ni/Fe/Na (Ashing & Fusion) | IP 470 |
Metals - Al/Si/V/Ni/Fe/Na/Ca/Zn/P (Ashing & Fusion) | IP 501 |
Metals - Ni/V/Fe (Solvent Dilution) ICP | ASTM D5708A |
Metals - Ni/V/Fe (Digestion & Ashing) ICP, AAS | ASTM D5863A, D5708B |
Metals - Ni/V/Na (Solvent Dilution) AAS | ASTM D5863B |
Metals (Ni, V) - Spectrophotometric Method | IP 285 |
Metals Content in Wastewater | ASTM C1111 |
Metals in Fuel Oil (V, Na, Al, Si) | ASTM D5056 |
Metals, (Graphite furnace for three elements) AAS | GF-AA |
Metals,Trace by ICP/MS | ICP-MS |
Metals-Trace, Na/Pb/Ca/V/K | ASTM D3605 |
Methanol Testing and Analysis | ASTM, IMPCA |
Methanol content | GC |
Methanol Content of Formaldehyde Solutions | ASTM D2380 |
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Purity by GC | ASTM D2804 |
Miscibility with Water of Ethanol | BS 6392-5 |
Moisture Content (Field Test) | Shaw |
Moisture Content (Valve Freeze) | ASTM D2713 |
Molecular Weight (Includes necessary tests) | ASTM D2502 |
Molecular Weight of Hydrocarbons by Thermoelectric Measurement of Vapor Pressure | ASTM D2503 |
Motor Octane Number (Calculation only) | ASTM D2598 |
Motor Sport Fuel Testing | |
MSEP (Microsepararometer Index) | ASTM D3948 |
MTBE Purity | ASTM D5441 |