Petroleum and petrochemical tests, D.
Intertek provides ASTM, ISO, IP and other test methods for the analysis of petroleum, petroleum refined products, and petrochemical feedstocks and products.
Test Description | Test Method |
DCPD (dicyclopentadiene) | GC-MS |
Demulsibility Characteristics of Lubricating Oils | ASTM D2711, IP 19 |
Denaturant, Ethanol and Methanol | ASTM D5501 |
Density Crude Oil, API Gravity | Hydrometer |
Density / Relative Density | ASTM D2111, D891, D1298, D4052 |
Density of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products | IP 365 |
Density of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products | IP 160, ISO 3675 |
Density of Mineral Oils and Related Materials | DIN 51757 |
Density of Pure Liquid Chemicals (Pyncnometer) | ASTM D3505 |
Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (DHA) | ASTM D5134, CAN CGSB |
Dielectric Strength | ASTM D877 |
Diene Value | UOP 326 |
Diesel Fuel Tests | ASTM |
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Testing | ISO 22241-1 |
Diesel Fuel Diluent in Used Diesel Engine Oils | ASTM D3524 |
Diesel Index (Calculation only) | IP 21 |
Dimer & Styrene (GC) | ASTM D2426 |
Diols | SMS1734 |
Distillation | ASTM D1078, D850, D86, IP 123 |
Distillation - Cut-back | ASTM D402, T78 |
Distillation (Vacuum Potstill) | ASTM D5236 |
Distillation of Methanol | BS 506 |
Distillation of Volatile Organic Liquids | IP 195 |
Distillation, Atmospheric | ASTM D86, ISO 3405 |
Distillation, Reduced Pressure | ASTM D1160 |
Distillation, Simulated by GC | ASTM D5307 |
Doctor Test | ASTM D4952, IP 30 |
DOT US Classification of Crude Oil by Rail | |
Drop Melting Point of Wax and Petroleum | IP 133 |
Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease | ASTM D566, IP 132 |
Ductility of bituminous materials | ASTM D113, T51 |
Ductility at 77F on Residue | ASTM D244, T59 |
Dye Content in Diesel | ASTM D6258, D6756 |
Dynamic Viscosity of Bitumen | IP 222 |
Petroleum and petrochemical services: