Petroleum offshore lightering cargo inspection.
Intertek provides crude oil cargo clients with expert offshore crude-oil lighterage inspection, supporting third-party ship-to-ship cargo-custody transfer operations. Intertek lightering inspectors provide crucial cargo quantity and quality services for all trading partners. Offshore lightering is available for VLCC and ULCC supertankers, Panamax and other class tankers. With billions of barrels lightered and thousands of transfers documented, Intertek is the number one choice for the global crude oil trading market.
Intertek lightering teams expedite lightering inspection operations and ensure quick turn-around on lightering interventions, with detailed event-logs depicting operations before, during and after lightering operations. The lightering services team is dedicated to the offshore lighterage process. There is no company in operation today with more experienced, trained and specialized cargo lightering staff than Intertek.
Intertek lightering cargo inspection advantages:
- Global coverage to support maritime petroleum movements, wherever needed
- Dedicated lighter teams with hundreds of years of combined experience and expertise
- Intertek inspectors trained to API standards and protocols
- Inspector training program follows the IFIA process toward IFIA certification
- 100% computer generated reporting format on field documentation
The offshore lighter teams perform accurate measurement, temperature determination, sampling, time documentation, operation oversight and direct communications particular to the offshore environment. Intertek lighter teams inform customers of known events or situations which could effect their remote cargo operations, enabling clients to make informed decisions based upon up-to-date knowledge. The economic impacts of crude oil, vessel operations, time delays, and weather all play into profit and loss margins. Intertek lightering services provides crucial and timely information which clients can use to protect their bottom line.
Specialist offshore lightering training includes all pertinent API Chapters, client-specific requirements, crude-oil monitoring protocols, stripping operations and demurrage requirements. Intertek keeps the client informed from their offshore lightering operations, so that informed decisions can be made upon current data.
Intertek lighter teams are equipped with the latest communication, measurement and sampling equipment. All equipment is certified or traceable to recognized standards organizations. Lightering teams can be equipped with satellite enabled communications for direct contact 24 hours-a-day, and direct-talk equipment by request.
Petroleum cargo inspection:
A look back at how we treat each cargo as if it were our own