Brazil petroleum, biofuel, and chemical testing and inspection.
Intertek Brazil provides petroleum, biofuel, and petrochemical testing and cargo inspection services supporting the refining, production, storage, and offshore exploration and production sectors. The Brazilian labs conform to ASTM, ISO, and other industry standards.
Brazil petroleum, fuel, and chemical services:
- Petroleum and Refined Products Testing
- Petro-chemicals Testing
- Trace Metals in Petroleum
- Petroleum Cargo Inspection
- Cargo Treatment Services
- Intertek Oil and Gas Services
Brazil biofuel services:
Intertek Brazil offices and laboratories providing services to the petroleum, chemical and biofuel industries:
- Aratu, Belem
- Manaus, Paranagua
- Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande
- Santos, Sao Luis, Sao Paulo, Vitoria
- and other locations
Intertek Brazil:
Caleb Brett Cargo Inspection & Analytical Assessment Services
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