ASTM test methods for crude oil, fuel, and other petroleum refined products.
ASTM test methods for the full range of petroleum and petroleum refined products are available from Intertek on a global basis. ASTM test methods are petroleum industry standards, accepted worldwide for quality and reliability.
ASTM test methods for petroleum and refined products include:
- Petroleum and Petrochemical Test Directory
- ASTM Tests for Petroleum, Fuels and Petrochemicals
- Petroleum Trace Analysis
- Oil Condition Tests
- Automotive Research ASTM Tests
Intertek fully supports ongoing ASTM petroleum test method standard efforts, helping ensure the consistency and reliability of industry quality and testing standards. Many Intertek employees are ASTM members. Intertek petroleum labs participate in a variety of ASTM focused round-robin testing programs worldwide, helping ensure analytical method quality and reliability. Intertek personnel participate in ASTM meetings, providing input, and expertise to support the ASTM D02 technical committee standard and committee meetings.
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