Asphalt and asphalt (bitumen) materials quality testing for European and international clients.
Asphalt quality testing is available in Europe for clients who require asphalt materials analysis to various European and international test methods and standards.
The Intertek bitumen (asphalt) laboratory in France accepts samples from across Europe and globally. Asphalt samples are easy to ship and test, with prompt and timely reporting.
Asphalt tests conform to NF (French Standards, Normes Françaises), EN, ISO, ASTM, and other industry accepted standards.
Bitumen, Asphalt tests in Europe include:
- Penetrability
- Lost on heating (163°C)
- Fraass point (manual method)
- Softening point
- Flash point (open cup cleveland)
- Elastic recovery
- RTFOT (Rolling Thin Film Oven Test)*
- Salt content (NaCl)
- Solubility (solvent to specify)
- TFOT at 163°C (Thin Film Oven Test)
- Ductility
- Kinematic viscosity
- Dynamic viscosity at 60°C
- Sulphur content
- and additional tests
- Alkalinity equivalent NaOH
- Asphaltenes content
- C, H, N content by combustion
- Density at 25°C
- Cut back distillation
- Simulated distillation by GC
- Water content
- Acid number colorimetry
- Acid number potentiometry
- Penetrability index
- Elements content by ICP-OES after combustion
- Al, Si content by ICP-OES after combustion
- As, Hg, Se, Te content by ICP-OES after combustion
- Paraffins content
Related Asphalt and European laboratory testing:
CHNOS and Ultimate Analysis