Aromatic hydrocarbons analysis in petroleum and refined products.
Detailed aromatic hydrocarbon analysis is available through Intertek's global petroleum laboratory testing network. Hydrocarbon aromatic test methods and techniques used will depend on boiling range, product specifications and regulations. Petroleum products tested for aromatic content includes crude oil, gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, gas-oil, jet fuel, and other light, middle, and heavy distillates. Trace analysis to ultra-trace levels for aromatic content in hydrocarbons is available.
Hydrocarbon aromatics tests:
- PNA, PONA, PIONA, DHA and Reformulyzer testing for naphthas and condensates
- D-1319 FIA analysis for naphthas through light diesel
- D-976 cetane index, aromatics in diesel
- SFC and HPLC aromatics testing for aviation kerosine
- D-3606 for benzene in gasoline
- D-5580 and D-5769 for benzene and aromatics in gasoline
- Portable IR ‘screening’ methods, including D-6277 for gasoline
- SARA analysis for crude oil and feedstocks
- GC/MS analysis
Aromatics test procedures for analyzing benzene, toluene, xylenes, cumene, styrene, industrial solvents, mineral spirits, and other aromatic compounds use test methods such as D-3257, UV methods for mineral oils, D-2008, D-2269 and others. Additional aromatic analytical testing for heavier products includes GCMS (12x12 and 16x16 methods), and Clay Gel separation D-2007.
Flashpoint Testing ASTM D93
Caleb Brett Cargo Inspection & Analytical Assessment Services
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