Packaging and packaging materials testing, consulting, and support services.
Intertek technical packaging experts offer high-quality and rapid turnaround time testing and analysis. Intertek packaging consultants provide problem-solving and troubleshooting solutions, and technical advice regarding regulations, standards and processing characteristics. Expertise supports packaging raw material manufacturers, converters, producers, printers, brand owners and retailers.
A, B
- Active Packaging materials Food Contact
- Additives Identification plastics
- Analytical Testing
- Application Development
- Auditing
- Barrier Testing
- Bisphenol-A Analysis
- Bisphenol-A Migration
- BRC Certification, Verification and Testing
C, D
- Carbon footprint verification
- Certification
- Coatings
- Compliance of Materials for Drinking and Potable Water
- Convenience Packaging Services
- Cosmetics Packaging - Expert Services
- Chemical Testing and Analysis of Packaging Materials
- Consultancy Packaging Plastics
- Consumer Goods and Retail Packaging
- DoC (Declaration of Compliance) Support
E, F
- EU Packaging Compliance
- EN 1186 Testing
- EN 13130 Testing
- Extractables & Leachables
- Failure Analysis
- Film Testing Packaging
- Food Contact Testing
- Food Safety Declaration Certificate
G, H, I, J
- Gelboflex
- GMP compliance support
- Hot Tack Testing
- IFS Services
- IFS Packaging Testing
- Intelligent Packaging Materials Food Contact
- Intertek Packaging Solutions
- IoP Global Standard
- Ink Testing
- ISO 846 Testing for Plastics
K, L
M, N
- Manufacturing Support for Packaging Materials
- Materials Analysis
- Materials Technology and Packaging Testing
- Cardboard Packaging Mineral Oil Testing
- NMR Analysis of Packaging Materials
O, P
- Odours and Taints Isolation and Detection
- Optical Analysis
- Overall Migration
- Oxygen Transmission Rate
- Packaging and Batteries: EU Packaging (94/62/EC) and Battery (2006/66/EC)
- Packaging Material Testing for Consumer Goods
- Packaging Machinery & Equipment Testing and Certification
- Packaging Physical and Mechanical Properties Testing
- Packaging Services
- Packaging Testing Services
- Paper Products Testing
- Particle Analysis and Testing
- PET and rPET testing
- Phthalates Testing
- Physical Testing
- Plastics and Polymers Testing
- Processability of Packaging Materials
Q, R
- Quality Testing for Packaging Materials
- Risk Management for Packaging
S, T
- Safety Testing of Packaging Products
- Sheets Testing
- Shrink Film Testing
- Slip-Agents
- Solutions and Consultancy to the Packaging Industry
- Storage and Ageing
- Stretch Wrap Film Testing
- SVHC testing
- Surface Analysis
- Sustainable Packaging Solutions
- Thermal Analysis
- Toxics in Packaging
- Toxicology
U, V, W
- UN Safety Testing
- UV Stabilizers Testing
- Water Vapor Transmission Rate
- Weathering Testing for Plastics and Polymers
X, Y, Z
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