Oil reservoir continuity assessment.
Evaluation of the horizontal and vertical fluid connectivity among oil reservoir units helps efficiently management of petroleum assets. Intertek utilizes hydrocarbon fingerprinting technology along with state-of-the-art chemometrics to provide optimal reservoir continuity assessments.
Hydrocarbon fingerprinting:
Hydrocarbon fingerprints help analyze reservoir continuity assessment. The primary tool for fingerprinting hydrocarbons is high resolution gas chromatography (GC). Intertek's Total Quality Assurance analytical procedures assure consistency among data, including analysis of frequent standards and “same batch” analysis of samples from a single study. When required, other analyses are used along with the high resolution GC.
Chemometric assessment:
Intertek uses sophisticated chemometric techniques to evaluate the data, and applies multiple techniques including principle component analysis, multivariate curve resolution, alternating least squares, and others. High resolution and consistency of the data, along with optimized data analysis, provide exceptional reservoir continuity assessment.
Oil reservoir continuity capabilities:
Optimization of data to minimize variations from sampling, storage:
- Objective assessment of continuity based on accurate measurement of sampling and analytical error.
- Recognition and correction for sample contamination that can permit inclusion of contaminated samples in continuity assessments.
- Identification and correction of variations unrelated to reservoir continuity such as light-end loss or wax precipitation.
- Recognition and characterization of variations within continuous reservoirs such as gravity segregation.
- Identification and removal of poor or irrelevant data that reduces precision.
- Determination of physical causes of variations (bio-degradation, light-end loss, etc.)
- Measurement of reliability of the continuity assessments.
- Optimization of data to minimize variations from sampling, storage and analysis.
Oil Reservoir Solutions