In vitro laboratory testing supporting development of pharmaceuticals, oral care products or hair care products.
Pharmaceuticals or Biopharmaceuticals
Our scientists support researchers in the early stages of drug development to determine the toxic potential of pharmaceutical active ingredients. With experience in assay development, method transfer and method validation, Intertek has the flexibility to provide customized assays that address specific toxicological liabilities to help minimize liabilities and provide critical data to inform drug development strategies.
Oral Care Product
Our in vitro oral care laboratory testing scientists provide complete support for all areas of oral care product marketing claim support including whitening, sensitivity, oral malodour, stain removal, stain prevention, gloss, brushing performance, abrasivity, erosion and dentine tubule blockage. These evaluation studies help oral care product developers to accelerate their development timelines for development of toothpastes, toothbrushes, interproximal devices, floss, mouthwashes.
Hair Care Products
Our in vitro hair care product laboratory provides substrate interaction studies focusing on how the performance and efficacy of hair care products through washing / shampooing / conditioning of hair samples(switches) followed by wet combing and texture analysis, XRF (composition of materials) analysis, colour measurement and colour fade.
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