From our Microbiology Laboratory, located close to Chalon-sur-Saône in France, we provide expertise for microbial testing for cosmetics, home and personal care, medical devices, and other consumer products, helping you to develop safe and well performing products
The Intertek France Microbiological Laboratory offers a wide range of microbiological testing and research services to support your product development or production. Microbiology services include quality control, safety and efficacy testing, antimicrobial efficacy testing, problem solving, research and development, and other microbial related lab technical expertise and support. Our microbiology experts work with clients across the world with a particular focus on the cosmetics, health and medical device, chemicals and materials industries.
The laboratory is classified P2 and accredited ISO 17025 and also offers in vitro testing for many product categories.
To view our services described in French please visit Analyses Microbiologiques
Microbiology Services for Healthcare and Medical Device Products:
- Microbiological Tests for Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
- Challenge Test - Preservative Efficacy testing on cosmetics (EP 5.1.3 and USP 51)
- Total Viable Count on Cosmetics according to ISO 21149 and ISO 16212
- Pathogens identification according to ISO 18415, ISO 18416, ISO 22718, ISO 21150, ISO 22717
- Bacterial endotoxins test according to EP 2.6.14 and USP 85
- Problem Solving & Contaminant Detection
- Cosmetics Stability Studies
Microbiology services for Materials and Chemicals:
- Antimicrobial efficacy testing on materials and coatings
- Disinfectants bacterial activity study according to EN 1275, EN 1276, EN 1040, EN 1650, EN 13727
- Measurement of antibacterial activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces according to JIS Z 2801 and ISO 22196 - Microbial Testing for Plastics
- Determination of plastics behaviour under the action of fungi and bacteria according to ISO 846 - Microbial Testing for Plastics
- Microbiological Contamination of Diesel Fuel
Related Safety and Efficacy Testing Services:
- In vitro Testing Services
- Cosmetic Products Prohibited and Controlled Ingredients Testing
- Cosmetic Safety Substantiation
- Cosmetic Ingredient Review