Training and certification to properly install Fire door raceways
Gain an advantage over your competition through Intertek’s Perfect Raceway Program. As a trained and qualified raceway installer, you can ensure any modifications you make with a raceway will not affect the integrity of the fire doors and the doors will remain compliant with NFPA 80.
The Perfect Raceway Program is part of Intertek’s Qualified Personnel (IQP) Program and is designed to bring peace of mind to AHJs. By joining the program you are choosing to participate in a program with more stringent checks and balances, therefore making yourself a trusted installer to AHJs.
Once a door is modified, a program-specific Intertek-Warnock Hersey label can be applied to the door letting AHJs know the door was modified by an IQP – Raceway Installer, giving them confidence the door remains in compliance.
Becoming an IQP - Raceway Installer
Becoming an IQP - Raceway InstallerAll qualified raceway installers must go through a four hour, hands-on training course. The course includes training on code and fire door assembly components, the usage of approved drilling tools, and navigation of Intertek’s SpecDirect™ database. Once the course is complete, a written exam will be administered and upon passing of the exam, attendees will receive ID badges and the ability to apply program-specific Intertek-Warnock Hersey labels to raceway installation fire doors.
To find out when and where training classes will be offered, visit our IQP Raceway website.
Knowledge Center
Building Health & Wellness: An Overview of Services
Acoustical Testing & Consulting Resources
Remote Pre Inspections for NFPA 80 / 101
Protek - Safety. Everywhere. Every Day
Fire Doors 101: Your Guide to Testing and Certification - Webinar Recording
Tornado Testing & Certification Requirements - Webinar Recording
Plumbing Products Testing & Certification - Webinar Recording
The Evolving Code Evaluation Process White Paper
Proposition 65 & the Furniture Industry Webinar Recording
Why Planning for FCC Certification is Key to Success in the Door Hardware Industry White Paper

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