Transition of Standards SASO IEC 60950-1 and SASO IEC 60065 to SASO IEC 62368-1

22 Feb 2021
SASO has announced the soft transition of the Standards SASO-IEC-60950-1 and SASO-IEC-60065 to SASO-IEC-62368-1 for Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment.
SASO has adopted the IEC 62368-1/2018 version of the International Standard as SASO-IEC-62368-1/2020 without any technical modifications and this was published in the KSA Official Gazette on 27th November 2020. The effective implementation date of SASO-IEC-62368/2020 is 1st July 2021.
Products that are currently required to be certified under the SASO IECEE Recognition Certificate (SIRC) to the existing Standards SASO-IEC-60950-1 and SASO-IEC-60065 are eligible to receive the SIRC at the moment and the SIRC will continue to remain valid until its expiry date. However, starting from 1st July 2021, SASO will be only accepting Test Reports according to the SASO-IEC-62368-1/2020 version for the issuance of SIRC.
Similarly, starting from 1st July 2021, Audio/video, information, and communication technology equipment outside the scope of SIRC also need to comply with the requirements of SASO-IEC-62368-1/2020 to obtain the P-CoCs/S-CoCs on the SABER Platform. Existing P-CoCs/S-CoCs issued before this implementation date will continue to remain valid until their expiry dates.
Intertek Government and Trade Services (GTS) is facilitating the process of obtaining the SIRC for interested Applicants. This unique benefit from Intertek will expedite the application and registration process on SABER to obtain the P-CoC and S-CoC. Intertek Government and Trade Services (GTS) is also an SASO-approved Certification Body to issue the necessary P-CoCs/S-CoCs for Audio/video, information, and communication technology equipment outside the scope of SIRC.