Additional Banned Refrigerants Freon 23 and 123 for Exports to Saudi Arabia

29 Jan 2013
Addition of Freon 22 and 123 to banned refrigerants for cooling equipment such as Freezers, Air Conditioners, Compressors and Refrigerators exported to Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) has enforced a 20-year-old decree banning cooling equipment such as Freezers, Air conditioners, Compressors, and Refrigerators operating on Freon 22 and 123 refrigerants in addition to Freon 11 and Freon 12 banned earlier. Spare parts needed for the maintenance and operation of older models of cooling and air conditioning appliances are exempted from this requirement.
However, the MoCI has confirmed orally to Intertek that shipments of products that include the banned refrigerants (Freon 22 and Freon 123) would be allowed to be imported into KSA until further notice.