Update on Flush Capacity Requirements for Exports of Water Closets

01 Jul 2016
Exporting to Saudi - update on Flush Capacity Requirements for Exports of Western Water Closets
The latest standard, SASO 1473 (2014 version), includes the following revised values for the average total flush volume for Western Water Closets:
- Not to exceed 3.0 Litre per flush for floor-mounted western water closet pan types.
- Not to exceed 4.0 Litre per flush for wall-hung western water closet pan types.
The revised standard SASO 1473 (2014 Version) was announced in May 2016 for Western Water Closets imported to, or locally manufactured in, Saudi Arabia. However, SASO has adopted a new amendment version of this standard (SASO 1473/2016), the updated SASO 1473/2016 shall be enforced from May 22nd, 2017.
Until such time, the average flush volume requirement of SASO 1473 (2008 version) standard (not to exceed 7 litres for any single test and 6 litres for the average of three consecutive test runs), will be applicable for Western Water Closets.