Enforcement of Newly Published Technical Regulations from 5th January 2022

03 Aug 2021
Exporting/Importing to Saudi Arabia – Enforcement of newly published Technical Regulations from 5th January 2022
Further to our previous announcements regarding the Saudi Product Safety Programme (SPSP) for Saudi Arabia, we would like to inform you that the following Technical Regulations (TRs) which were published in the Saudi Gazette on 9th July 2021 will be strictly enforced starting from 5th January 2022 onwards (i.e. 6 months after the publication date):
- Technical Regulation for Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) in Electrical and Electronic Devices (TR No. MA-179-21-09-01)
- Technical Regulation for Leather Products (TR No. MA-179-21-09-03)
P-CoCs and S-CoCs issued in SABER for products covered under the scope of the newly published technical regulations will continue to remain valid until the enforcement date. However, in the meantime, Exporters are advised to take preparatory measures in advance to submit qualifying documents that comply with the requirements of these new TRs.