New Energy Efficiency and Water Rationalization Standard for Electric Dishwashers

06 Apr 2023
Manufacturers and Exporters of Electric Dishwashers
Manufacturers and Exporters of Electric Dishwashers to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) are hereby informed about the new Energy Efficiency and Water Rationalization Standard for Electric Dishwashers, SASO 3029:2023. The enforcement timeline for the new Standard is detailed below:
- 10th February 2023: The Saudi Standard SASO 3029:2023 for Electric Dishwashers was published in the Saudi Official Gazette.
- 2nd April 2023: Saudi Standards and Labels (SLS) platform was updated by SASO to accept Registration for Energy Efficiency Labels under SASO 3029:2023 for Electric Dishwashers.
- 1st January 2024: EEL enforcement for Local manufacturers and at KSA Customs. Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS)-Stage 1 of SASO 3029:2023 will be enforced for Electric Dishwashers.
- 1st January 2025: EEL enforcement for existing Electric Dishwashers at KSA markets and warehouse. MEPS - Stage 1 of SASO 3029:2023 will be enforced to ensure compliance of existing Electric Dishwashers in the KSA markets and warehouses.
- 1st January 2026: EEL enforcement for Local manufacturers and at KSA Customs. MEPS - Stage 2 of SASO 3029:2023 will be enforced for Electric Dishwashers.
Manufacturers and Exporters of Electric Dishwashers to the KSA are reminded that Electric Dishwashers are under the SASO IECEE Recognition Certificate (SIRC) Scheme. To avoid any issues during SABER registration and at the KSA Customs, please ensure to update your SIRC Technical File with SASO to demonstrate compliance to the Standard SASO 3029:2013 in accordance with the above enforcement timeline.
Intertek Government and Trade Services (GTS) is facilitating the process for obtaining the SASO 3029:2023 Energy Efficiency Labels and the SIRC. This unique benefit from Intertek will expedite the application and registration process on SABER to obtain the P-CoC and S-CoC.