Change in the Regulatory Status of Some KSA Customs Tariff Codes

24 May 2023
Exporting/Importing to Saudi Arabia – Change in the regulatory status of some KSA Customs Tariff Codes
Manufacturers and Exporters of products to the KSA are hereby informed about SASO’s notification to update the regulatory status of certain KSA Customs Tariff Codes from non-regulated products to regulated products covered by SASO Technical Regulations. This change will be effective in SABER from 1st June 2023. Download the detailed list of affected KSA Customs Tariff Codes and their applicable SASO Technical Regulations.
If your product is covered by the affected KSA Customs Tariff Code, then the product must be registered in SABER and its conformity to applicable SASO Technical Regulation must be verified by a SASO approved Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) such as Intertek to issue the Product Certificate of Conformity (P-CoC) and Shipment Certificate of Conformity (S-CoC) required for KSA Customs clearance.