Food labels provide basic product information, nutritional facts and safety details. Consumers rely on accurate food labels to make informed food decisions
Food labels are the primary method of communicating product information between companies and their consumers. Consumers, now more than ever, heavily rely on the labels to make an informed purchasing decision. In addition, local governments and international agencies have created stricter controls in order to protect consumers and regulate food companies. So, how can food companies ensure they are complying with all law?
This webinar focuses on labelling challenges, international regulations, solutions available and how Intertek can help navigate in such a complex environment. The solutions cover:
- Translation & validation service
- Ingredient statement review
- Regulatory support
- Preliminary label compliance review
Why should you view this Label Validation webinar?
- To understand the importance of label validation for your products
- To learn about international regulations and how to comply with them
- To gain knowledge on the solutions that are right for your business
You should view this Label Validation webinar if you are a:
- Food producer
- Food processor
- Food retailer
- Food manufacturer
Presented by Frank Kareth, Head of Food Regulatory Services at Intertek
Food Services.
After graduation as a state-certified food-chemist in 1999, Frank started his career at a well-known private laboratory in Hamburg. After those first steps, he gained four years of experience working in the food industry for a major tea-producer, then he came back to the laboratory business focusing on consultancy and food regulatory services. He is an appointed and sworn chemist and “second expert” according to Regulation 2017/625, Art. 35, board-member of the German union of independent laboratories and head of the working group consumer protection and food safety. Since October 2017, he is leader of food regulatory services at Intertek.