Operating one of the world’s largest independent crude oil assay laboratory networks, we deliver accurate results supported by world-class expertise.
Crude oil assay for exploration and production is integral to establishing and understanding the composition of petroleum reserves and their viable commercial uses.
The data produced by crude oil assay is vital to optimise the refining process and establishes several important factors, including substance quality, feedstock compatibility and necessary production methods.
Crude oil composition and quality varies greatly from well to well, as each type possesses its own individual chemical and molecular properties.
Locating a knowledgeable and experienced partner to provide the comprehensive, accurate data vital for understanding an oils’ makeup is the essential starting point for establishing processing plans.
Operating one of the largest networks of crude oil assay and hydrocarbon characterisation laboratories in the world, we are ideally positioned to provide you with a full range of related services and advice.
Delivering first-line technical support and timely analytical results to exploration and production businesses, our solutions inform refinery engineering, pipeline allocation, process optimisation, exploration evaluation and crude oil marketing.
Crude oil assay includes characterisation of the crude or condensate, along with the commercial fractions produced from the physical distillation. Each produced crude oil’s unique molecular structure means that we offer evaluations and report layouts on a project quotation basis.
We can undertake crude oil assay and hydrocarbon testing and analysis to your own specifications or we can recommend a suitable test suite that meets the objectives of your projects.
Individual crude oil assays can be presented in a variety of formats, including downloadable results that can be incorporated into your preferred simulation and modelling packages.
All of our crude oil assays and individual fractions are recognised industry standards, namely ASTM, IP and UOP. Additionally, we hold ISO17025 United Kingdom Accreditation Service validation under Laboratory Accreditation Number 0101, along with ISO14001 and ISO45001 certification. To see the applicable scope of accreditation please visit UKAS
Through our extensive network of regional offices, we have built relationships with exploration and production clients for over three decades, establishing a reputation for delivering consistent Total Quality Assurance services.