As a manufacturer of equipment that must work in the most demanding environments, you need reliable and secure Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) test partners to assist you with mandatory EMC testing
What is MIL-STD-461?
MIL-STD-461 is a military standard that specifies requirements for the control of electromagnetic interference (EMI) characteristics of electronic equipment and subsystems. It is widely used in the military, aerospace, and defense industries to ensure that electronic systems can operate properly in electromagnetic environments without causing or being susceptible to interference.
Key Aspects of MIL-STD-461:
Purpose: Establish limits and test procedures to ensure that equipment does not emit excessive electromagnetic interference (conducted or radiated) while ensuring equipment is immune to electromagnetic interference from external sources.
Applicability: Applies to military systems, equipment, and subsystems used on platforms such as ships, aircraft, ground vehicles, and space systems. It encompasses both commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment and custom-designed systems intended for military use.
Categories: MIL-STD-461 divides requirements into categories based on the type of emissions or susceptibility:
- Conducted emissions: Unwanted signals conducted through power or data lines
- Radiated emissions: Unwanted electromagnetic energy radiated into the environment
- Conducted susceptibility: Equipment's ability to withstand EMI introduced via cables or power lines
- Radiated susceptibility: Equipment's ability to function when exposed to radiated EMI
Test Methods: The standard defines specific test setups, procedures, and instrumentation to verify compliance. Each test method corresponds to a particular frequency range or equipment interface. These include:
- CE101: Conducted emissions, low frequency
- CE102: Conducted emissions, power leads
- RE101: Radiated emissions, low frequency
- RE102: Radiated emissions, high frequency
- CS101: Conducted susceptibility, power leads
- RS103: Radiated susceptibility, electric field
Revisions: MIL-STD-461 has undergone multiple revisions over time to address evolving technology and operational needs. The latest revision as of now is MIL-STD-461G, which was released in 2015.
Compliance: Equipment must be tested and certified as meeting the requirements of MIL-STD-461 before deployment in military applications. Compliance ensures that systems can co-exist without mutual interference and maintain functionality in electromagnetic environments.
Intertek's Solutions for MIL-STD-461 & EMC Testing
Intertek offers the highest levels of independent Assurance, Testing, Inspection and Certification (ATIC). Our engineers have experience in military and aerospace testing, so you can be comfortable that our knowledge is extensive and that your project is in safe hands.
- The ability to perform radiated immunity testing up to 200V/m field strength in accordance with MIL-STD-461 RS103 from 2MHz to 40 GHz and down to 10KHz if needed (with capabilities to test equipment located in aircraft and above deck on ships).
- The ability to perform radiated immunity testing up to 200V/m in accordance with RTCA DO-160 section 20 from 100MHz to 18GHz (with capabilities to test equipment located in commercial aircraft category W and Y).
- The ability to perform DC Magnetic Field Susceptibility testing up to 1600A/m in accordance to MIL-STD-1399 Section 070.