NBA JAM Arcade Game Shaq Edition Arcade1up
Manufacturer’s description:

NBA Jam is a network connected video game emulation arcade with online functionality. The arcade consists of physical hardware and connection to the internet via Wi-Fi (2.4GHZ) which enable user to submit high scores over the internet and to be listed in the leader board of the machine. The physical device and online functionality are supported by back-end cloud services which include maintenance of cloud copies of configurations, keep alive packet for maintain session state, and high scores submission.

NBA JAM Arcade Game Shaq Edition Arcade1up
Model No. | NBS-A-200811 |
Software version: | 2022-03-28 |
Firmware version: | TMAK0007A |
EXPIREDCyber Assured Certified
Certification ID: | 220006 |
Certification: | Cyber Assured 1.0 |
Certified On: | 22 Apr 2022 |
Expires On: | 22 Apr 2023 |