Contamination Analysis of trace chemicals and metals involves detection and identification via highly sensitive state-of-the-art instrumentation and methods
Trace metals analysis can be critical to product development, quality control and regulatory compliance, and provides important data to help both process improvement and chemical product formulation development.
Contamination in trace chemicals and metals can take many complex forms and requires specialist expertise to identify the type of contamination and an effective ongoing solution. Many trace elements can be difficult to correctly identify, or, crucially, may be mistaken for something else if incorrect analysis is undertaken.
Intertek’s trace chemical and metal contamination testing laboratories detect and identify trace and ultra-trace chemicals and metals contamination in a wide range of materials, products and processes.
We apply a range of sample preparation that are most applicable to the sample in question, for example such as microwave digestion techniques.
Our scientists are proficient in method development and validation across a range of sample types. We can offer tailored single or multi-element analysis services as required including multi-analyte packages for analysis of heavy metals.
We are able to provide a clear and precise identification of all elements in a product, as trace chemicals and metals contamination analysis is available to parts per million (ppm), parts per billion (ppb) and parts per trillion (ppt) detection levels, depending upon the sample-matrix and technique used.
Trace Chemical and Metal Contamination Analysis
- Trace Metal and Chemical Contamination Detection and Analysis
- Trace Chemical and Metal Contaminant Composition
- Ultra Trace Level Contamination Testing and Identification
- Contamination Problem Solving and Troubleshooting
- Identification of Unknown Contaminants
- Contamination Analysis by Inorganic Analysis
Our Good Manufacturing-compliant laboratories provide elemental impurity testing by ICP-OES and ICP-MS, in compliance with USP Chapters <232> and < 233>, EP (2.4.20) and ICH Q3D.
Intertek provides rapid response and offers sample analysis to a detailed high resolution for detection and measurement of trace metal and chemical contamination, available through the global network of testing laboratories