Contamination detection, identification testing and troubleshooting within pharmaceuticals, polymers, medical devices, packaging, fuels and cosmetics
Confidential rapid response contamination identification testing and analysis is a powerful tool used to solve contamination problems across a vast range of industry sectors.
Contamination issues are unpredictable both in terms of their nature and their size, and as such can be costly in terms of lost productivity and hugely compromised timeframes. While an initial solution for the contamination issue is required, it is essential that the solution is long-lasting and that confidence is restored for ongoing productivity.
Our dedicated teams ensure fast and reliable contamination analysis and identification laboratory services are provided for you using analytical techniques such as optical microscopy, electron microscopy (SEM, TEM and EDX), NMR and RAMAN spectroscopy, FTIR Microscopy and imaging, XRD analysis, GC-MS, ICP-OES and many more, to be used accordingly. The contamination testing laboratories have vast experience and specialist insight allowing them to quickly determine the correct analytical approach to employ to solve a wide range of contamination issues faced by clients.
Intertek takes a forensic approach to identification of unknown particulates and formations in finished products and raw materials. Expertise includes type-matching analysis to trace the source of the contamination in a process as well as advice on sample packing and preparation. Contamination analysis and identification is available for a wide range of products, chemicals and situations.
Contamination Testing and Identification example expertise:
- Polymers and Plastics
- Surface, Bulk and Particulate Contamination
- Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
- Deposits, Fouling and Blockages
- Films, Laminates and Packaging
- Catalyst Poisoning and Fouling
- Fuels
- Lubricants
Contamination Testing and Identification example sources:
- Material and Product Failures
- Client and Consumer Complaints
- Manufacturing and Process Issues
- Quality Control Problems
- Transport and Handling Cross Contamination
For chemical and surface contamination, powerful trace contamination analytical tools are available through the Intertek laboratory network. Our skilled, specialist staff are available to discuss your needs in regard to contamination identification testing, to define and expertly contain their extent.
Trace Metals Analysis ICP-MS