Nowadays, consumer and environmental concerns have become dominant themes in the marketplace. Intertek offers Eco-Certification as a solution, helping manufacturers maintain a reliable quality assurance system of ecological products.
The quality system implements strict quality assurance on incoming materials and chemical application-related processes to remove all the restricted harmful substances from the very beginning without deviating from the original design, thus, avoiding any contamination during the manufacturing process.
Intertek Eco-Certification focuses on upgrading the factories’ level of eco-production through certification. Intertek maintains strict supervision of certificate holders and certified products to ensure continuous compliance of products to each requirement. During the validity of certification, Intertek is authorized and required to undertake annual evaluation of certified products. This includes annual on-site evaluation, lab testing of random samples and control tests on samples purchased from various markets or retailers. Intertek will sample about 10% of the certificates it has issued in the current year for control tests and to absorb costs.
With Intertek Eco-Certification retailers can demonstrate due diligence to the authorities within the target market through the certification of suppliers, therefore, allowing companies to gain consumers’ trust through product safety reliance. Intertek Eco-Certification will help manufacturers and retailers to obtain the market confidence they seek and the competitive edge they desire.