Undertaking potable water testing forms part of many water management strategies and detects bacterial risks threatening the health of oil and gas operatives.
Potable water testing is often an integral aspect of guaranteeing the quality of water supplies in remote working locations.
According to regulators, wholesome water needs to meet a particular set of standards before it can be declared safe for drinking, cooking, food preparation or washing.
The water utilised on oil and gas platforms typically originates from one potable water source serving multiple applications, including health, hygiene and industrial processes. Failures in segregation or backflow systems could contaminate an entire supply, which could disrupt production and have serious health consequences for personnel.
Carrying out potable water testing also addresses the risks posed by legionella bacteria. Thorough strategies demonstrate that premises owners and duty managers are doing their utmost to comply with legal requirements and tackle the threats posed by these harmful bacteria.
Providing a range of potable water testing solutions from our microbiology centres of excellence, we can turn your results around quickly and efficiently.
The microbiological analyses we conduct includes key tests such as water microbiology, total viable counts, coliform, E coli, enterococci, legionella and pseudomonas. The analysis of hydrocarbons in potable water is also within our service range.
To compliment these analyses we also offer an extensive scope of water chemistry tests, including those to detect alkalinity, pH, total hardness and elements such as calcium, sodium, iron, nickel, fluoride, nitrate and lead. According to your preferences, we can issue test certificates in hard copy, e-copy or via our web-based client portal.
Our potable water testing services are conducted by fully qualified scientists, many of whom are experts in their field and participate in externally monitored proficiency testing.
Working with us to solve your water management challenges will provide the Total Quality Assurance solutions you need to demonstrate a conscientious approach to offshore water and legionella management. Serving the industry on a global scale, we operate cutting-edge facilities in over 100 countries and remain dedicated to delivering quality services to clients worldwide.
Related potable water quality services:
Legionella Certificate