Management systems certification by a third-party registrar such as Intertek, can be accomplished in seven steps.
Your product or service is only as good as the management system that supports it. Certification by an independent third-party certification body, such as Intertek, confirms that your management system complies with the respective international standards for quality, sustainability, work health and safety, or risk management. Management Systems Certification assures you and your customers that your business process is designed for continual improvement to meet requirements and regulations and to understand and mitigate any potential risks.
The path to certification consists of seven steps - and Intertek’s professionals will be there to guide you throughout the entire process.
Step 1 - Commitment
Once you’ve selected Intertek as your certification body and your audit date is set, you’ll be assigned a lead auditor to guide you through the entire process. Our network of Total Quality Assured Experts will be your trusted partners through your certification process and beyond.
Step 2 - Pre-assessment
This step is optional, but it can be extremely helpful in identifying potential problem areas and improving the likelihood of achieving certification on your first attempt. It’s a small investment that can pay dividends later, by saving the time and money required to perform a second audit. Performed during the review of your documentation and management system’s implementation, this step also helps to familiarize employees with the process for your formal assessment.
Step 3 - Stage I audit
At this stage, your lead auditor will confirm that your management system has been designed to conform to the requirements of the standard and achieve the organization’s policy objectives. During this audit, our team will evaluate site specific conditions, scope of management system, understanding of the requirements of the standard, confirm if the internal audits and management reviews are being planned and performed, and that the level of implementation of the management system substantiates that the client is ready for the Stage II audit. At the end of the audit, you will be informed of the results of Stage I. If the results are acceptable, you will receive confirmation for proceeding with the Stage II audit. Where applicable, you will also be given a predetermined amount of time to address any areas of concern identified during the Stage I audit.
Step 4 - Stage II audit
Your assessment team, supervised by your lead auditor, will review your management system in the least disruptive manner possible. The objectives of the audit are to confirm that the management system conforms to all the requirements of the standard, and that your organization has effectively implemented the system so it can achieve the organization’s policy objectives. You will be given a predetermined amount of time to correct any nonconformity found.
Step 5 - Certification decision process
Upon completion of each certification activity, Intertek personnel will conduct an independent and impartial review of the audit to evaluate the outcomes of the audit processes including related recommendations of the auditing team prior to issuing certification. Based on the audit conclusions, the Reviewer makes a decision to grant, maintain, renew and/or restore certification if there is sufficient objective evidence of conformity; or to refuse, suspend or withdraw certification if there is not sufficient evidence of conformity or significant evidence of nonconformity. Certification cannot be issued if the organization persistently or seriously fails to meet certification requirements, such a frequency of audits, lack of implementation of effective corrective actions, default of payment. The Reviewer may also decide to include expansion or reduction of the scope of certification.
Step 6 - Certification
Congratulations! At this point, your company has achieved its certification and will be registered as such. When you receive your certificate, you’ll gain the assurance your certification affords.
Step 7 - Follow-up evaluations
Regular annual or semi-annual surveillance visits are performed according to your preference and standard requirements. A full certification re-assessment will take place every three years ensure ongoing conformity.
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