ASTM C648: Standard Test Method for Breaking Strength of Ceramic Tile
Standard: ASTM C648 - Standard Test Method for Breaking Strength of Ceramic Tile
Certification Required: N/A
Scope: Per ASTM C648: "This test method covers the determination of the breaking strength of glazed ceramic wall tile, ceramic mosaic tile, quarry tile, and paver tile, having a facial area of at least 1 in2(6.4 cm2)."
Applicable Products: Glazed ceramic wall tile, ceramic mosaic tile, quarry tile, and paver tile
Test Procedure: The tile is loaded into a three-point support and the load applicator is positioned directly in the center of the tile. Force is applied to the test specimen at a constant rate until the tile breaks into two or more pieces.
End Result: This test results in the average strength in pounds-force (or newtons) of the sample
Special Notes: N/A
Intertek Testing Locations: York, PA