ASTM C1401-14: Standard Guide for Structural Sealant Glazing
Standard: ASTM C1401-14 – Standard Guide for Structural Sealant Glazing
Scope: ASTM C1401-14 assists in the identification and development of performance criteria, test methods and industry practices that should be implemented to obtain the required structural glazing sealant adhesion and compatibility with other system components.
Applicable Products: Structural Sealant Glazing (SSG).
Test Procedure: This adhesion test is a simple screening procedure for a field applied structural sealant that may help detect field application problems, such as improper substrate cleaning, use of an improper primer, poor primer application, improper joint configuration and many of the other field application problems that can affect adhesion.
A knife cut is made horizontally across the width of the sealant joint from one substrate of the joint to the other. Two vertical cuts are made downward starting at the horizontal cut approximately 3 inches long, at both sides for the joint next to the substrates. The sealant tab is grasped firmly at its end and pulled at a 90° angle.
End Result: If substrate adhesion is acceptable, the sealant should tear cohesively within itself or elongate to a predetermined value before releasing from either substrate adhesively. The SSG may require additional remediation to meet the performance criteria.