Intertek PSI Locations
Our strategic network of office locations across the US allows us to offer an unmatched level of local expertise in regard to regulatory requirements, expected site conditions, and industry insights.
With a staff of over 1,700 and over 70 laboratories in 30 plus states, Intertek-PSI can support projects of any size, project type, procurement type, or delivery method.
Browse our list of locations to find the Intertek-PSI office nearest to you and learn more about our risk management and quality management solutions.
Knowledge Center
Building Health & Wellness: An Overview of Services
Acoustical Testing & Consulting Resources
Remote Pre Inspections for NFPA 80 / 101
Protek - Safety. Everywhere. Every Day
Fire Doors 101: Your Guide to Testing and Certification - Webinar Recording
Tornado Testing & Certification Requirements - Webinar Recording
Plumbing Products Testing & Certification - Webinar Recording
The Evolving Code Evaluation Process White Paper
Proposition 65 & the Furniture Industry Webinar Recording
Why Planning for FCC Certification is Key to Success in the Door Hardware Industry White Paper

Upcoming Tradeshows & Events
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- Project Connect (formerly myATI) – B&C Products
- Construction Hive – B&C Projects (PSIQest)
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