Services to manage, maintain, and modify existing buildings
Just because the construction is complete, it does not mean your work is done.
One of the keys to keeping the cost of a property low is through proper management and maintenance of the property. Intertek partners with building owners and facility managers to help inspect and evaluate a building and its property to determine risks, maintenance plans, and necessary remediations.
Additionally, if you plan on upgrading, modernizing, or changing the use of existing space, you need to ensure a safe and smooth transition. With services to test and remediate indoor air quality (IAQ) and industrial hygiene issues, as well as services to help with the design of life safety, technology, and roofing systems, Intertek can partner with you to help mitigate risks associated with the modification of a building and optimize the upgrade of your systems.
Ask about our Building Maintenance Services
- Materials Engineering and Evaluations
- Nondestructive Examination and Testing
- Compliance Audits and Consulting
- Information Management Services
- Permitting Assistance
- Remediation Systems Operations, Maintenance and Monitoring
- Foundation and Settlement Evaluations
- Retaining Wall Engineering
- Retention Pond Analysis
- Slope Stability and Embankment Evaluations
- Asbestos/Lead-Based Paint Management Programs
- Industrial Hygiene and Indoor Air Quality Services
- Information Management Services
- Mold Management and Prevention Plans
- Operations and Maintenance Planning and Management
- Building Systems Failure Analysis
- Compliance Audits and Consulting
- Facilities Engineering and Consulting
- Information Management Services
- Pavement Consulting
- Plans and Specifications
- Property Condition Assessments and Consulting
- Roof Consulting and Management Programs
Knowledge Center
Building Health & Wellness: An Overview of Services
Acoustical Testing & Consulting Resources
Remote Pre Inspections for NFPA 80 / 101
Protek - Safety. Everywhere. Every Day
Fire Doors 101: Your Guide to Testing and Certification - Webinar Recording
Tornado Testing & Certification Requirements - Webinar Recording
Plumbing Products Testing & Certification - Webinar Recording
The Evolving Code Evaluation Process White Paper
Proposition 65 & the Furniture Industry Webinar Recording
Why Planning for FCC Certification is Key to Success in the Door Hardware Industry White Paper

Upcoming Tradeshows & Events
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- Project Connect (formerly myATI) – B&C Products
- Construction Hive – B&C Projects (PSIQest)
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