Confirm the job is being done right by conducting Field Testing by one of our Accredited Test Labs
Testing on materials, products, and mock-ups can provide you with invaluable data before your construction project begins, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Whether you need assistance with problem resolution or simply to ensure the quality of your products and systems, we can be there to help.
Intertek has years of field testing experience, enabling us to serve a diverse clientele. Our thorough understanding of the applicability and execution of field testing standards assures architects, building owners, consultants, and general contractors that they are meeting contract obligations and specifications during new construction and renovation projects. We have performed field testing on structures of all sizes and configurations. No project is too big or too small.
We have conducted over 15,000 field testing jobs within the last 10 years and have field testing teams accredited to both IAS and AAMA. Before our work begins on site, we carefully communicate with you to match our services to your end goal. We will ensure the appropriate test procedures are applied, while making modifications or developing custom testing to fit your specific needs.
For ultimate quality assurance, site-installed fenestration and curtain wall products must be field tested for air infiltration, water leakage, and structural performance.
Building Enclosure Field Testing Fact Sheet
What types of Field Testing do we conduct?
Acoustical Performance
Assess noise levels and validate expectations by conducting field sound transmission loss tests and field impact sound transmission loss tests. Site noise assessments can also be conducted to determine if existing noise levels exceed local, state, or federal noise limitations.
Acoustical Field Measurements & Testing
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Air Infiltration, Water Leakage, and Structural Performance
Meet building code requirements and your contract obligations during new construction or renovation and gain ultimate quality assurance that your installed fenestration and curtain wall products are functioning as intended.
Roof Testing
Leaky roofs cost businesses billions of dollars each year. Testing and Electronic Leak Detection can provide the quality system needed for many years of service and safety.
Whole Building Air Barrier
Confirm your completed building’s design intent will be met by quantifying the air leakage throughout the design and construction phase. Partnering with our team of Building Science professionals, you can detect and repair leaky systems prior to the completion of construction.
Mock-Up Performance Solutions
Encounter and resolve potential problems without the costly expense and additional pressure of halting a project during construction. Rarely does everything go right the first time. By conducting testing on a mock-up, you have the opportunity to make corrections and modifications prior to setting anything in stone.
Building Products & Construction Materials
The verification of your construction materials on a job site are essential for compliance to the project’s specifications, the local and national building code, and also to ensure the safety and success of the structure being built. Offering a variety of services, Intertek can be your testing partner for all your construction materials needs.
Engineering Services
When project requirements fall outside of the norm you need a partner who knows how to interpret, analyze, design, test, and report with both confidence and expertise. Intertek is that partner.
Which types of products benefit from field testing?
- Cladding
- Curtain Walls
- Doors / Door Frames
- Finishes / Sealants
- Floors
- Glass / Glazing
- Roofing
- Storefronts
- Wall Systems
- Weather Barriers
- Windows / Vents / Skylights
Test Equipment
- E-Lab Pack
- Centrifugal Blower
- Vacuum Pump
- Rotameters
- Pressure Measurement Gauges
- Spray Racks
- 501.2 Nozzle
- Pull Testers
- C1601 Chamber
- Calibrated Load Cell
- Smoke Machine
- Bubble Gun
Test Equipment
- Norsonic NOR 121 Sound Analyzer
- Microphones
- Preamplifiers
- Loudspeakers
- Tapping Machines
- Reference Sound Source
- Environmental Variables Measurement Devices
Knowledge Center
Building Health & Wellness: An Overview of Services
Acoustical Testing & Consulting Resources
Remote Pre Inspections for NFPA 80 / 101
Protek - Safety. Everywhere. Every Day
Fire Doors 101: Your Guide to Testing and Certification - Webinar Recording
Tornado Testing & Certification Requirements - Webinar Recording
Plumbing Products Testing & Certification - Webinar Recording
The Evolving Code Evaluation Process White Paper
Proposition 65 & the Furniture Industry Webinar Recording
Why Planning for FCC Certification is Key to Success in the Door Hardware Industry White Paper

Upcoming Tradeshows & Events
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- Project Connect (formerly myATI) – B&C Products
- Construction Hive – B&C Projects (PSIQest)
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