Minimize risk from warranty, insurance, and damage claims by detecting design flaws early
Increase the reliability of your products by detecting failures, identifying potential weaknesses in your design, and ensuring your product will maintain functionality throughout it’s lifecycle. Durability testing helps to improve your product and create greater revenue through customer satisfaction and retention.
Our ability to monitor and record lifecycle, fatigue, and exposure conditions allows us to quickly identify the main root cause of any issues, enables you to address them immediately, and get your products to market faster. Whether you are attempting to obtain certification, conducting research and development testing, or troubleshooting defects, our staff of experts and state-of-the-art facilities can help you get the results you need.
Differentiate your products by proving they can outlast others of their kind and obtaining product certification. Between our industry recognized marks, accreditations, Code Compliance Research Reports and Evaluation Services, we’ve got you covered.
What types of products benefit from durability testing?
- Cladding
- Curtain Walls
- Deck / Fencing / Rail
- Doors / Door Frames
- Hardware
- Insulation
- Roofing
- Wall Systems
- Windows / Skylights
Test Equipment
- Thermal Conditioning Chambers
- Xenon-Arc-Lamps
- Calorimeters
- Salt-Fog & High-Humidity Chambers
- Fume Hoods
- Finite Analysis Equipment
- 25-Ton Load Capacity Universal Test Machine
Test Equipment
- 125-Ton Load Capacity Concrete Compression Test Machines
- Mass Spectrometers
- Gas Chromatographs
- Carbon Arc Fade-O-Meter
- Abrasion & Drop-Dart Testers
- Heat Flow Plates
Need more information? Click here…
Knowledge Center
Building Health & Wellness: An Overview of Services
Acoustical Testing & Consulting Resources
Remote Pre Inspections for NFPA 80 / 101
Protek - Safety. Everywhere. Every Day
Fire Doors 101: Your Guide to Testing and Certification - Webinar Recording
Tornado Testing & Certification Requirements - Webinar Recording
Plumbing Products Testing & Certification - Webinar Recording
The Evolving Code Evaluation Process White Paper
Proposition 65 & the Furniture Industry Webinar Recording
Why Planning for FCC Certification is Key to Success in the Door Hardware Industry White Paper

Upcoming Tradeshows & Events
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- Project Connect (formerly myATI) – B&C Products
- Construction Hive – B&C Projects (PSIQest)
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