A faster cost-effective way to demonstrate code compliance
Look to Intertek Code Compliance Research Reports (CCRRs) to demonstrate to building officials that your product meets the relevant codes. (CCRRs) can provide building officials with the information they need to approve the use of your building construction.
With over a decade of being fully engaged in development, execution, and issuing of code evaluations, Intertek can provide you a single source solution to testing, inspection, certification and evaluation of the relevant codes.
Code Compliance Research Report (CCRR) FAQs
What are the advantages of using Intertek?
Intertek can provide their certification customers a single source solution to product certification and code evaluation. Intertek’s Code Evaluation Program is a streamlined process designed so the (CCRR) is ready to be issued at the conclusion of testing and certification. The typical back end review followed by other organizations is eliminated. Intertek fees for the CCRR, which reflect the efficiencies of the Intertek system, result in cost savings for Intertek clients (in one example, payback for the transition fees will be realized in 18 months, with 50% savings thereafter).
When is a CCRR needed?
CCRRs are useful for code officials to decide on approving products and systems when the product or system is an alternative under the code (typically, Section 104.11 of the IBC, SBC and IRC, though other codes have similar language). CCRRs also help where the product or system is governed by multiple requirements as it pulls the relevant code information into one technical report. CCRRs will identify the critical elements of the construction needed to meet the requirements of the code.
Each CCRR is developed under the supervision of a professionally licensed Intertek engineer who is separated from the testing process. This ensures there is an independent review of the testing necessary to demonstrate compliance with code.
Each CCRR is issued with Intertek’s ETL Mark—one of the most trusted and utilized marks in North America. This mark represents to code officials, architects, and the industry, that your product meets the relevant code requirements through rigorous testing, evaluation , and on-going, verification of compliance To see our current CCRRs, please see our product directory.
The CCRR demonstrates to code officials, engineers, architects and industry that your product complies with the applicable code requirements. CCRRs are accepted by building officials throughout the US as a valid research report from an approved source, making it easier to sell your product in thousands of jurisdictions across North America. Use of the Code Compliance ETL Mark to represent the CCRR brings instant recognition.
Fully Accredited
Intertek’s CCRR program is fully accredited under ISO/IEC Standard 17065, Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes, and services, by International Accreditation Service (IAS), an International Code Council (ICC) Subsidiary, Our CCRR program is compliant to Section 1703 of the International Building Code and Saudi Building Code.
Los Angeles Research Report (LARR)
For product approval in Los Angeles, L.A. city building code historically required manufacturers to either have an LARR or to have an evaluation report from a model code agency. Going forward, under the amended building code, building department approval will be based on listings and evaluation reports from product certification agencies accredited to ISO/IEC Standard 17065*.
Intertek is accredited by ICC’s International Accreditation Service (IAS) as a product certification agency complying with ISO/IEC 17065 and we satisfy the requirements in LADBS’ new policy [PCA-101]. This means that if you have a valid Intertek listing or Code Compliance Research Report (CCRR), it can be used for product approval in the City of Los Angeles. We recommend that your CCRR include evaluation under both the California Building Code and Los Angeles Building Code, which will make it easier for the plan reviewer to connect your product with the local codes and may help to avoid costly delays.
If you currently have an LARR and an Intertek CCRR, when the LARR lapses you will be able to use the CCRR provided it has addressed the requirements of the CBC and LABC. If you have an LARR only, contact Intertek to see how your data can be transferred from the LARR to an Intertek listing or CCRR.
Have questions about Code Compliance Report? Go to Code Evaluation Services FAQ Page
Click to access a complete list of valid Code Compliance Research Reports
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