Intake valve deposit fuel testing, following ASTM D6201 test protocol
Intertek offers fuel deposit control additive testing services following the ASTM D6201 test method. A Ford 2.3L engine is subject to a two stage cycle for 100 hours. At the end of the 100 hours, the engine is disassembled and intake valve deposit and induction system measurements are performed.
Fuel deposit measurements:
- Intake Valve Deposit Weights and Ratings
- Intake Manifold Runner and Cylinder Head Port Ratings
- Photographs of the Intake Valves, Manifold Runners and Cylinder Head Ports
Other fuel deposit measurements performed:
- Piston Top Deposit and Cylinder Head (Combustion Chamber) Deposit Mass, Thickness, and Rating Evaluations including Photographs
The total amount of fuel required to conduct this test is 235 gallons.
Dirty-Up / Clean-Up Test Program:
A popular derivative of this test is to conduct a "dirty-up/clean-up" test program. The first phase of the test involves using a fuel to create deposits on the intake valves and combustion chambers. The second phase of the test involves using a fuel to remove the deposits from the valves and combustion chambers. The measurements described above are taken between phases (with the exception of the combustion chamber deposit mass) and at the end of the second phase. This test alternative does an excellent job at seeing how well a fuel can remove deposits from the intake valves and combustion chambers.
Fuel deposit testing: