Enhance the performance of your electric vehicle fluid product with Intertek’s state-of-the-art test equipment.
The development of electric vehicle (EV) fluids for e-motors, the electric drive unit (EDU) and batteries, is rapidly increasing, with OEMs focussing on delivering enhanced performance and efficiencies through innovative new products and test methods.
Intertek’s world-class equipment and in-house experts deliver bespoke electric vehicle fluids testing solutions,enabling manufacturers to test and optimize the performance of their fluids designed for both components and fully integrated systems. With the complex development challenges associated with EV fluids and advancing technologies they are designed to support, OEMs can face an array of challenges:
- Minimising thermal losses at bearings level
- Avoiding demagnetisation in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM)
- Measuring thermal performance of the product in whole speed/torque envelope
- Reducing the number of different cooling fluids in a vehicle to reduce cost & complexity
- Enhancing lubrication capabilities of the fluid, contributing to overall system efficiency and durability
Our Milton Keynes-based Tanners Drive and Electric Vehicle Centre of Excellence testing facilities can offer manufacturers a diverse array of fluids tests including:
- Rig testing of fluids in EV axle modules (EDUs) and in e-Motors
- Special rigs to test specific fluid properties in high speed e-Motors
- Full electric vehicle precision lab testing
- Real world on-road vehicle testing across the globe
- Analytical lab testing of fluids and wear particles
Additionally, our global automotive testing facilities can also support manufacturers and Tier 1 and 2 suppliers with a diverse portfolio of bespoke testing solutions and capabilities:
- Electric vehicle testing
- Formula E testing
- Battery testing
- EV charging
- Homologation and certification services
- Design Verification Plan (DVP) consultancy
- Transmission testing
- Engine and Hybrid testing
- Fuel, additive, and lubricant testing
- On-road vehicle testing
- And more.
Intertek's Global Electric Vehicle Testing Centre of Excellence
With the rapid global transition to electric vehicles, Intertek's UK Transportation Technologies division developed a state-of-the-art Global EV Centre of Excellence.
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