Intertek Scientific & Regulatory Consultancy Staff: Dr. Danika Martyn
Danika Martyn, Ph.D, Senior Director, Head of Food and Nutrition
Based in the UK, she has considerable experience in the authorisation of novel foods, food additives and enzymes in the European Union. Working alongside regulatory authorities, she has active role in stewarding applications through the approval process.
She is a recognized expert in dietary exposure assessment and has extensive experience in modeling dietary intake data to estimate human exposure to food chemicals, ingredients and nutrients. She has authored numerous original research and review publications in the area of intake assessment.
Danika works with clients to develop global regulatory strategies for new ingredients. She works within the group to critically review, evaluate and interpret analytical and scientific data as part of safety assessments for substances added to food.
Dr. Martyn received her Hon. B. AgrSc in Food Science and Ph.D. in Public Health Nutrition, focusing on dietary intakes of sugars and sweeteners by Irish pre-school children, from University College Dublin.
Publications written by Dr. Danika Martyn:
- Chewing gum consumption in the United States among children, adolescents and adults, Martyn DM, Lau A (2019)
- Low-/no-calorie sweeteners: a review of global intakes, Martyn DM, Darch MN, Roberts A, Lee HY, Tian YT, Kaburagi N, Belmar P (2018)
- Ibero–American consensus on low- and no-calorie sweeteners: safety, nutritional aspects and benefits in food and beverages, Serra-Majem L, Raposo A, Aranceta-Bartrina J, Varela-Moreiras G, Logue C, Laviada H, Socolovsky S, Pérez-Rodrigo C, Aldrete-Velasco JA, Meneses Sierra E, López-García R, Ortiz-Andrellucchi A, Gómez-Candela C, Abreu R, Alexanderson E, Álvarez-Álvarez RJ, Álvarez Falcón AL, Anadón A, Bellisle F, Beristain-Navarrete IA, Blasco Redondo R, Bochicchio T, Camolas J, Cardini FG, Carocho M, Costa MC, Drewnowski A, Durán S, Faundes V, Fernández-Condori R, García-Luna PP, Garnica JC, González-Gross M, La Vecchia C, Leis R, López-Sobaler AM, Madero MA, Marcos A, Mariscal Ramírez LA, Martyn DM, Mistura L, Moreno Rojas R, Moreno Villares JM, Niño-Cruz JA, Oliveira MBPP, Palacios Gil-Antuñano N, Pérez-Castells L, Ribas-Barba L, Rincón Pedrero R, Riobó P, Rivera Medina J, Tinoco de Faria C, Valdés-Ramos R, Vasco E, Wac SN, Wakida G, Wanden-Berghe C, Xóchihua Díaz L, Zúñiga-Guajardo S, Pyrogianni V, Cunha Velho de Sousa S (2018)
- Safety assessment of additives and ingredients for infants and young children, Baldwin N, Martyn D, Phipps KR (2017)
- Temporal patterns of caffeine intake in the United States, Martyn D, Lau A.; Richardson P, Roberts A (2017)
- Benzoates intakes from non-alcoholic beverages in Brazil, Canada, Mexico and the United States, Martyn DM, Lau AA, Darch MN, Roberts AS (2017)
- Dietary intake of four artificial sweeteners by Irish pre-school children, Martyn DM, Nugent AP, McNulty BA, O'Reilly E, Tlustos C, Walton J, Flynn A, Gibney MJ (2016)
- Inhibition of proinflammatory biomarkers in THP1 macrophages by polyphenols derived from chamomile, meadowsweet and willow bark, Drummond EM, Harbourne N, Marete E, Martyn D, Jacquier J, O'Riordan D, Gibney ER (2013)
- Food additives and preschool children, Martyn DM, McNulty BA, Nugent AP, Gibney MJ (2013)
Webinars presented by Dr. Danika Martyn:
- New Food Ingredient Applications – EFSA’s Latest Goalposts
- EU Dietary Intake Estimates - Focus on Enzymes