End-to-end bill of material assessment and conversion for RoHS compliance
Non-compliance with RoHS regulations could expose your company and its products to sanctions such as “stop ship” orders, fines and negative brand perception. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure their products are RoHS Compliant and that they possess all supporting documentation in accordance with due diligence.
RoHS Bill of Materials (BoM) Assessment and Conversion Services
Intertek specializes in converting the Bill of Materials (BoM) of your electrical and electronic products into a RoHS compliant state, including consolidation of all supporting documentation, as part of your due diligence activities. Intertek’s experts give you access to a comprehensive range of Bill of Material data gathering and assessment services for RoHS regulations and expanding electronics environmental requirements. Intertek’s services and expertise allow you to meet and surmount the challenges presented by these and other emerging environmental regulations.
1. Product Conversion
- Determination of RoHS compliance of each component
- Identification of replacements for non-compliance and end-of-life components
- Issue tracking and overall project management
- Collection of extended chemical and process data:
- Extended chemical data (example: ppm data according to Joint Industry Guide
- Extended process information (examples: lead finish, MSL rating)
2. End-of-life data for compliant and non-compliant components
3. Conversion of mechanical drawings
- Creation of bill of materials for custom build-to-print from part drawing
- RoHS compliance of sub-materials, finishes, and components
- Replacement of non-compliant materials, finishes, and components
- Complete product material declaration to IPC-1752, JGPSSI, EU RoHS, China RoHS, Korea RoHS, REACH, and other global standards