Scientific and regulatory consulting support for compliance with restricted substance regulations.
Intertek is a world leader in consulting and gap analysis for global restricted substance requirements for a wide range of industries. Intertek’s industry experts provide guidance in regulatory, compliance, supply chain, and technical requirements for a wide range of substance restrictions and recycling requirements that include REACH, RoHS, WEEE, Proposition 65, ELV, and other emerging global requirements.
Intertek’s restricted substances consulting services includes:
- Toxicological Risk Assessments (TRA)
- Regulatory Compliance Testing Services
- Green Leaf Mark Certification
- Hazardous Substances Management System certification
- Gap analysis
- Green Supply Chain Management & Mediation Services
- Risk management
- Regulatory Consulting and Strategy Services
- Restricted Substances Compliance Assurance Services
- Support for global market access
- Technology evaluation and substitution
- Test plan creation
- Regulatory updates
- On-call support