Intertek provides toxicological hazard and risk assessments for flavourings, fragrances, and other ingredients used in foods and consumer products.
Toxicological hazard assessment is an integral part of the risk assessment process. It involves critical interpretation of data pertaining to safety and metabolic fate to establish a dose-response relationship or an exposure limit, which are required to reach a conclusion on a compound’s potential to cause harm under intended conditions of use.
Toxicological hazard assessment includes derivation of no-observed-adverse-effect levels or benchmark dose modelling (BMD) results from pre-clinical studies, or other points of departure from human or pre-clinical studies, used in the calculation of appropriate doses or exposure levels for humans.
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Intertek’s hazard assessment reports include the regulatory status of the specific compound relevant to its intended uses, as well as scientific opinions and classifications published by authoritative bodies. They also include summaries of all pertinent toxicology and safety studies. The reports are provided in the form of a scientific white paper, and can vary in complexity depending on the volume of information available and the type of data required for the end application.
Intertek’s hazard assessments are written in a straight-forward and logical manner, and are all reviewed by board-certified toxicologists. The reports can be used to support various types of risk assessments conducted for foods, consumer products, and pre-market tobacco applications. Moreover, they provide a solid basis for safety assessments of fragrance/flavour ingredients and excipients used in the formulation of tobacco products. The United States Food and Drug Administration requires these reports as part of pre-market tobacco applications.
Why Intertek?
Intertek’s Food Scientific and Regulatory Consulting service is backed by a network of regulatory, scientific, and toxicology experts with extensive experience in all aspects of the risk assessment process, including assessments of hazards, dose-response relationships, and consumer exposure.
As an industry leader, Intertek’s service supports companies with reliable strategic advice from concept to product development to successful authorisation. Intertek’s hazard assessments provide critical reviews and expert interpretation of key safety data, forming the basis of risk assessments and regulatory applications for products worldwide.