GMPs ensure that materials and articles are being consistently produced and controlled to achieve compliance with applicable regulations and standards.
GMPs prevent contamination during the entire production lifecycle for food contact materials (FCMs) and food contact articles (FCAs) – from the raw materials selection phase through to storage and transportation. With the sufficient risk assessment procedures, quality control measures, and documentation systems in place, companies can ensure that their products are fit for their intended use, not endangering human health, and not causing unacceptable changes in the composition or organoleptic properties of food.
There are legally binding regulations in force in the EU, U.S., and China that specifically require companies to have GMPs in place for the production of materials and articles intended for food contact.
The GMP regulations are as follows:
- EU – European Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2023/2006 “On good manufacturing practice for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food”
- USA – FDA Title 21 CFR 174.5 “General provisions applicable to indirect food additives”
- China – National Standard for Food Safety GB 31603-2015 “General Hygienic Specifications for Production of Food Contact Materials and Articles”
Compliance with (EC) No 2023/2006 is also required in Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/1616 on recycled plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foods (repealing Regulation (EC) No 282/2008).
Other countries such as Japan, and the countries under the Mercosur trade bloc, have regulatory frameworks in place for FCMs. These frameworks set general criteria around the safety of food contact packaging and often include requirements for GMPs.
Intertek Solutions
Food contact GMP regulations apply to different sectors and stages of the FCM supply chain, and the rules governing each industry may vary. Intertek experts have the regulatory knowledge and industry expertise to help you achieve global GMP compliance.
Our approach covers multiple regions and is aligned with relevant industry guidelines and food safety standards for packaging. All of our services can be provided on-site or conducted remotely.
Our services include:
- GMP Regulatory Training
- GMP Assessment
- Preliminary Desktop Assessment (remote review of existing procedures and documentation)
- 2nd Party Self-Assessment (remote/onsite systematic review of a facility’s operations)
- Assessment report containing recommendations to achieve compliance
- Formal statement as final deliverable demonstrating status of GMP compliance
Download our latest webinar on Good Manufacturing Practice for Food Contact Materials.
Related services:
- Consulting services for food contact regulatory compliance
- Design and implementation of testing required for food contact compliance (e.g., end-use testing, sensory testing, migration testing, NIAS screening)
- Educational training on legislation and food contact compliance