ISO 26000 is a reference document designed to give guidance to organisations to implement social responsibility and thus contribute to a company’s overall environmental, social, and economic development.
ISO 26000 provides organisations with a set of societal expectations of what constitutes responsible behaviour based on authoritative international instruments. It further helps integrate the sustainability efforts and social responsibilities as they relate to other management systems. ISO 26000 is based on the following core subjects:
- Organizational governance
- Human rights
- Labour practices
- Environmental responsibility
- Fair operating practices
- Consumer issues
- Community involvement and development
Benefits of ISO 26000 to your organization:
- Addresses social responsibilities while respecting cultural, societal, environmental, and legal differences and economic development conditions
- Provides practical guidance related to making social responsibility operational
- Assists with identifying and engaging with stakeholders and enhancing credibility of reports and claims made about social responsibility
- Increase confidence and satisfaction in organizations among their customers and other stakeholders
- Broaden awareness of social responsibility
How Intertek can help:
Intertek’s GAP assessments ensure an organisation’s management system follows the ISO 26000 guidance. Intertek also offers training sessions for top management focused on:
- Guidance on how social responsibility performance can be integrated at a strategic level within the organisation
- An overview of ISO 26000 general requirements, stakeholders’ identification, and engagement
- How to identify significant and relevant issues
Intertek’s global network of auditors and technical experts are uniquely qualified to help you meet the increasingly competitive market challenges. Partner with us and gain the confidence of knowing that you have solid, effective processes in place.