Manage inspections on any steam/water piping system using Aware piping integrity management software.
The Aware Piping Module enables users to manage any data-intensive program associated with piping systems. Whether you are identifying hanger inspections, weld inspections, or thickness measurements for Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC), the Aware piping integrity management module meets your needs.
The Aware piping integrity software allows users to visualize and map inspection locations by displaying data overlaid on plant specific drawings. Users can highlight locations where indications were found, where inspections have been completed, and where inspections are scheduled. Analysis results from magnetic particle, dye penetrant, radiography, UT, and other examinations of the critical piping are all tracked, trended, and reported.
Using the Total Quality Assurance software helps personnel avoid critical piping failures by making it easier to visualize analysis results and immediately identify areas of concern. By allowing easy access to the information, planning can mitigate problems before they become imminent.
Basic features supported by the Aware Piping Integrity Management Software:
- Export work scope to Excel spreadsheet templates. Inspectors simply fill in results and then import them into Aware.
- Includes Tmin calculations.
- Supports Risk Based Inspection (RBI) studies.
- Review inspection information overlaid on drawings for every location. See entire history of measurements for a location by selecting it on the drawing.
- Add new inspections by simply clicking on the drawing – forms open for relevant activities ready for user input.
- Files, reports, and pictures can be stored for each inspection/activity record.
- Each activity includes a field to signify the status (normal/abnormal/future). The location on the drawing is color-coded based on the value.
- Query all items identified as ”future” based on a date range, allowing a quick visual check of items that need to be addressed for an upcoming outage.
Any type of inspection data can be stored – visual, ultrasonic replica, etc. The Aware piping module is used for storing, analyzing and searching all inspections, and enabling collaboration of the results across multiple groups. In addition, users can search the database and see past records on the current piping segment as well as similar components across other facilities in the enterprise. Once the data is in Aware it can be analyzed based on corrosion rate, thickness, or any other criteria. Users are able to then view past inspection history and identify when each component is due for the next inspection.
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Aware APM Solution Webinars
Learn about Aware inspection management software conveniently online. These webinars are designed to provide you with information about the robust Total Quality Assurance capabilities of our software and how it can improve your operation.