Crystallography analysis of crystal structure, morphology and polymorphism in materials.
Crystallography labs provide nano-scale analytical testing for micro-structure and polymorphism in materials, including raw materials, chemicals and finished products. Crystallography offers numerous applications in solid-state materials analysis. Intertek materials scientists apply in-depth knowledge of crystal structures to suggest applications when crystallographic analytical techniques are appropriate for solving chemistry problems.
Crystallographic analysis laboratory expertise:
- Solid-state Materials Analysis
- Structural Elucidation
- Crystal Structures and Morphology
- Crystallite Dimensions
- Polymorphism
- Crystal Habit Studies
- Crystal Characterisation
- Product Impurities
- Predictive Computational Analysis
Crystallography laboratory capabilities:
- X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
- Powder XRD
- Microscopy Analysis
- Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Optical Microscopy Analysis
- Computational Chemistry
- Crystal Structure Analysis
- Polymorphism Study
- Molecular Modelling