At Intertek we offer the highest standard of laboratory services for agricultural products in the industry.
With over 1,000 laboratories worldwide we provide high-value commodity product assurance giving our clients the critical technical support they need to mitigate risks and meet their product research, development and quality goals. Our services include:
- Physical and technological analysis
- Contaminants testing
While the responsible use of pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides can help to boost yields and resistance to pests and disease, their overuse on crops, or the use of prohibited pesticides, can lead to the accumulation of harmful chemical residues.
We provide expert trace-residue analysis services, helping ensure your products meet the required standards. From our own state-of-the-art facilities we provide fast and accurate screening to detect, identify, and quantify the presence of antibiotics, veterinary drugs, and pesticides.
Our experts use state-of-the-art technology to detect and identify trace elements and metals. In agriculture, the detection and identification of low levels of metals is critical to quality control and regulatory compliance. Determination of trace-levels of metals can also help to pinpoint the origin of contamination, which helps our customers monitor their risk management systems. Our laboratories provide responsive trace metal analysis services with detection levels of parts per million (ppm), parts per billion (ppb) and parts per trillion (ppt). We adapt the methodology to the sample matrix and the nature of the analysis required, because acceptable levels change over time as global regulatory demands across a range of industries call for lower and lower detection limits.
Our experts also monitor the legislative changes impacting your industry to make sure the most suitable approaches are deployed to reach the required limits. Rapid sample screening and experienced quantification services for trace metal content are available throughout our global laboratory network. We apply the most appropriate sample preparation technique to the sample in question, such as the microwave digestion technique. Our scientists are proficient in method development and validation across a range of sample types. We can offer bespoke single or multi-element analysis services as required including multi-analytical packages for heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, arsenic and lead).
Intertek's state-of-the-art facilities provide fast and accurate screening to detect, identify, and quantify the presence of mycotoxins in food and agricultural products.
Mycotoxins are naturally occurring contaminants produced by strains of fungi and can be found on food products such as cereals and grains, dried and fresh fruit, coffee, nuts, and animal feeds.
Exposure to mycotoxins, directly or through their accumulation in the food chain, can be a serious health hazard for both humans and animals. As a consequence, the presence of mycotoxins is monitored and controlled.
Intertek’s microbiology testing services help make sure products are safe, and that they meet quality specifications and regulatory compliance. Microbiology analysis is available for agricultural products, food, and many other products and materials. Our laboratories are equipped to test for bacteria and fungi.
Focusing on DNA testing services for the agricultural industry, our AgriTech product line uses ISO 17025 accredited laboratories in Malmö, Sweden and Adelaide, Australia. Our newly opened laboratory in Hyderabad, India is currently in the process of acquiring ISO accreditations. These high-tech laboratory facilities are located close to airports making the shipment of samples from across the world fast and convenient, with shorter turnaround times.
Customers commonly use AgriTech services for Selection, Purity, Origin, Traceability, and Sustainability (SPOTS) applications. We use the latest advances in DNA/protein analysis: e.g. genotyping, marker-assisted breeding, genetically modified organisms (GMO), species identification, allergens, and pathogens.
Intertek’s chemical testing and analysis services includes trace analysis, contamination detection and identification of unknown substances.